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Wednesday, May 09, 2007
@Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The results show proof of what we have been through all these time. GOLD WITH HONOURS! All the mentally challenging practices, the tears, the blood, the sweat, AND the overuse of diaphragm has been all worthwhile. xD I'm seriously really proud of us. It seriously doesnt matter that my throat is drier than ever now. I really gave it my all and i knew the others did too. Really big thanks to those who were there for me to listen to my complaints and putting up with my gloomy face though i try to lighten things up once in a while. And thanks to all the hugs, the thumbs up and jiayous too! Really meant a lot to me. And i mean it when i say I LOVE YOU NJCHOIR! And its not easy for my to say i love something too. xP

Back to reality... There's still a lotta homework to catchup, tests waiting to slaughter us all who havent studied, and no excuse now for sleeping in class. Haha. Onward, xuemin. onward. xP


steady and eccentric (beware!)
choir (:

10 <3s
-table soccer
-sense of achievement
-you (:

your say =X

-always be myself
-DO WELL FOR Alevels
-be a good SC
-polish up table soccer (MUSTTTT)
-lose (more) weight =P
-be more steady
-pass NAPFA
-shed 10mins off SC 10km
-play piano at hotel lounge


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