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Thursday, October 19, 2006
@Thursday, October 19, 2006

I think i've just experienced the feeling of true satisfaction. xD
Go write your own musical and see it becoming a success then you'll know how i feel.
06, thanks for being ever so co-operative and making this thing happen. One of the first times i see the class become so enthu. Couldn't do it without all of you. You dudes rock!
Success doesn't mean that you have to perform it well, but its knowing that you have done your best and achieved something. So regardless of whether we get in or not, its the process that we bonded as a class and did a whole class effort to make this happen. Though i still feel a little bit of disappointment when we had a lot of technical difficulties and that we screwed up the lyrics, but anyway, KUDOS to everyone! xD

06 rawks the house mann!

Monday, October 09, 2006
@Monday, October 09, 2006

Sianz mann, the start of ASS week has finally arrived... Its really a pain in the ass mann. xP 2 down, 8 more to go... Math and History-Econs-Geog all crammed into one, IH!!! Then i lost my pencil case! So heartbroken... What's more, there's my lucky pen inside given from my chinese tution teacher. So how can a pen be lucky? Well, if you have never even touched the ting xie asked to learn by your chinese tution teacher and then in the end you tikam tikam and still only get 4 wrong out of 25, boy that pen is lucky. And there's a 4 hour chinese paper tmr!!! Plus my stapler from primary one!!!! Wawawa so heartbroken. So when i found that out just b4 the IH paper, i nearly freaked out but i didn't have time to sms xq they all so i just hoped that they had the thought of keeping it for me. But they didn't know it was MINE!!! THEN NOW ITS GOOONNNNEEEEE!!!! Aaacks. What a day. Luckily math and IH wasn't so bad, at least i'm quite sure that i'll scrape a pass or an A, ahahas. Plus i only mugged JUST RIGHT, unlike xxxxxx "mugging is life". xD

Wah biang there's a 4 HOUR CHINESE PAPER TMR. I wonder how i'll survive it. I'll just make sure that i just make it so that my chinese teacher won't come telling my parents that i may have to drop higher chinese because i got a 60. Dude, its only 60 k? I still got >10 marks before i fail?!? Ah wells... I also have to make sure that i scrape a good pass for english, failed the recent one quite badly. I think i got a U.

Its sometimes useful to be in JC. Haha. Got seniors to help! Especially now that its after their promos, all the more they should help us! Ahahas. Thanks yuehsin jiahao4 felicia phoebe xianyong zijiang for helping me in econs! See last minute revision does help. xD Thanks for helping me in finding the pencil case too! xD You dudes rox!


steady and eccentric (beware!)
choir (:

10 <3s
-table soccer
-sense of achievement
-you (:

your say =X

-always be myself
-DO WELL FOR Alevels
-be a good SC
-polish up table soccer (MUSTTTT)
-lose (more) weight =P
-be more steady
-pass NAPFA
-shed 10mins off SC 10km
-play piano at hotel lounge


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