Wednesday, April 25, 2007
@Wednesday, April 25, 2007
13 more days to syf... And next monday is jazz night... And i've been singing practically 5 hours a day lol. Not that i mind. xP Paiseh never update that's why this blog is so so dead already...Things kinda going downhill for me... Solo's getting worse and worse 'cuz my breadths are getting shorter and shorter and my voice is getting hoarser and hoarser from a lot of singing. Not that my throat is hurting... yet. Haha signs of getting old? Plus i think i'm becoming more and more distant with a friend. Feels really sad but know he doesnt care anyway so yea i try really hard to forget about it too. =( And i'm kinda scared of amos after you see his worried/pissed face when you don't sing well, and its really shocking, scary, worrying and amusing all at the same time. And poor phoebe is losing her voice and yet tries to sing and i think jiayun is going a bit the crazy, no offense. Lol. Project voice so much now have to project laughter too. Hope everything goes well for the rehersal tmr, and still need to wake at 5am for school.... Jazz night comes first, THEN syf. But actually both equally impt? But have to get over with things one by one... Hopefully amos wont be pissed again tmr. Lol. and phoebe faster recovers. And my parents stop shouting at me. And i wont lose my voice.So nowadays its literally wake up, eat breakfast, go to school, prac a bit for jazz night, have lessons, choir/jazz night prac, go home, eat dinner, bathe, attempt to do hmk, sleep. Lol. If i'm doing this for a lifetime career and getting paid for it i seriously dont mind. But now really tiring ourselves out and i have to try to keep cheerful to mantain my energy. Lol. Sorry to all those whom i have cracked lame and pointless jokes to. Still must really work on the sanctus parts for me. I cannot have the whole choir being dragged down because of me ruining the song. Yep.Jiayou xuemin you can do it! Jiayou njchoir we can do what we set to achieve for, and rock the stage (basses go do that cool low note that causes earthquakes =P). Jiayou pls dont screw up for jazz night. Jiayou everyone so add oil add oil add oil! Haha. Lame self again. (: