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Saturday, November 18, 2006
@Saturday, November 18, 2006

De-ja-vu mann. >.< Trashed two times in the row in the same fashion... Bball not for me nowadays... Left too many shots open.

I solemnly swear that i shall never get trashed again.

Haha who am i kidding? xP

Oh yea. Rockapella rox my socks mann. Regardless of how they look like. Lol. LOVE DA BASS. A lot. Aww mann sExY! xD *** And yes, this was entirely said by Xuemin. Haha.

DT for table soccer is the WAY TO GO! Plus cash prize for money. Ya hear? =P

That's all for today.

Monday, November 06, 2006
@Monday, November 06, 2006

Whoohoo. Almost all my troubles are finally over!!! Induction OGL down. IP Musical down. H Major (although a bit the screwed up) finally over. Now only left that porgy and bess musical thingy, but i wonder why i even signed up in the first place... But anyways its good exposure la, and it better be worth it mann. We had to sightsing 40PAGES!!!! OMG OMG! My head was like spinning with all the notes all over the place, even with perfect pitch it doesn't help much. Pity the reast who are suffering worse than me. Next prac is tmr, i better get those notes right b4 i step into that place again. xP

Anyways, i got my results back!!! Wahaha. Maybe losing my pencil case just before my IH exam was a blesing in disguise. Haha. Got 2nd in History and 9th in IH overall!!! I rock mann! Shows that luck isn't really everything anywayz. But i still miss my stapler... Wawa it was an antique la! >.< Anyways, GPA 3.73!!!! x)) This is my best year mann. I bet if i was still in cedar, it would still be the same Bs and Cs everywhere, and i probably would still be failing math. Maybe not. Now i can go pester my mum to buy me that table soccer table and then trash my tution teacher with it. xD

Haha 06 rocks mann! We won everything!!! Best presentation for 06ip06, most enthusiastic class and best in station games for 07ip06. Haha. But i still feel the class a bit the stagnant lehh, probably 'cuz they're still new. I think i overreacted my enthu-ness. Lol. But i'm sure everything will turn out fine in the end...

Yep, anyone wanna play bball with me send me an sms anytime. Haha. I predict that i'll be rotting at home for the next few days... Nah i have my FMA to finish and then later i'll move on to finish Sharman king! xD And i better start training for that marthon...


steady and eccentric (beware!)
choir (:

10 <3s
-table soccer
-sense of achievement
-you (:

your say =X

-always be myself
-DO WELL FOR Alevels
-be a good SC
-polish up table soccer (MUSTTTT)
-lose (more) weight =P
-be more steady
-pass NAPFA
-shed 10mins off SC 10km
-play piano at hotel lounge


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