Thursday, June 22, 2006
@Thursday, June 22, 2006
I arranged half my room today! What an accomplishment! Haha. Now its only half a rubbish dump... xD I'm gonna arrange the rest tmr.Hmmm went blog hopping today. Found out that most of my friends were depressed and thinking that life sucks and breaking down and stuffs. Yep yep. Its those raging teen hormones again. Lol. Makes you feel emotional at times. I've got them too. Not too long ago either. I've learnt how to think of other happy things stay cheerful for as long as i can! No point being emotional over nothing much anyway... Sometimes when you think too much its baaaddd for you. So it IS good to be lame and blur some of the time! xDDDWe're only young once mann! Gotta make the most outta it! No point wasting away my precious youth thinking about pre-mature stuffs... I shall be childish while i can. Goo goo gaa gaa. Lol.Awww mann TRC ep. 32 is out on YouTube! TRC rawks mann! And the ep.33 is in jap but for some weird reason i understood most of it! I guess the animation probably explained the storyline for itself. No language barrier. And bi fang keep saying that 'bleach' is very nice to watch so i may try a few episodes meself tmr or something.Jogged for half an hour straight yesterday and found a lot of cool new routes! xP Next target: 45mins non-stop. I never knew jogging was this much fun. ^^ANYBODY WANNA JOG WITH ME CAN TELL ME. Or play soccer, badminton, basketball whatever. I'm so bored that i'm available until school reopens! ^^Maybe i shall try jogging from macritche to nj one day. Just maybe. Hmmmm.
Monday, June 19, 2006
@Monday, June 19, 2006
Lead singer rocks my socks mann!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
@Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Aww man there's still a buncha homework left for me to do. Actually i just need to read that chinese book and do a 1000 word reflection on it, plus 200 word on the contents. Bleh. And there's still math. You know when i finished MA1101, then i was bored so i began to read the front cover. Then they put down there "Try to finish at least half of the questions given for each module by school reopen". I'm like, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! I DID ALL THOSE FOR NOTHING! Hurts mann. Cheat my feelings. But on the other hand, at least i learnt more stuff than others. Lol. Who am i kidding? I should have read the instructions in the 1st place! xP
TRC rocks mann! I finished till episode 31 today! Then there's no more on YouTube liaoz. Gotta wait for ppl to upload more... The songs from High School Musical rocks too! But the movie was average lar, maybe also because the graphics suck in YouTube. Hehx. My mum's getting me a basketball! Haha. And i'm a little bored of maple liao. Decided to stop playing for a while until i suddenly become interested again.
A capella went well today. Guess we're getting the hang of it. =)
Friday, June 09, 2006
@Friday, June 09, 2006
Had choir in the morning, then a capella then went for lunch with a buncha them. Rather eventful. (:
We had choir straight from 8-10.30, standing! And like only about 20 ppl attended, with only 2 tenors and 3 basses, but xq was conducting so that counts as 2 basses left only. Bleh. Yar so we really drilled through all those songs with only like 1/4 our usual strength. Sing sing sing until quite xian liao. Xq damn zai, got so much paitience hehe. But it went well, considering that some of the parts weren't even there. As in novody was present to sing that part. Yar then next was a capella and it didn't went too well for gan qing xian; the sops still haven't learnt their part properly yet, so it turned out quite messy... Probably will have another choir prac. on tues. Zhirui was squeaking in the high notes for all the songs... Chao errr... Lol.
Mann lunch was fun! But it wasn't exactly lunch in the 1st place, more like dinch. Lol. Lunch+dinner=dinch. Lol i made that up. Yepp so went with trudy chengluan wanyun sheena sixuan xq and zhirui to west mall sakae shushi buffet! We spent time stoning in school and crashing choir store b4 that. Aiyo trudy and jiahao cannot eat one lor! Calls himself some kinda guy... Like i ate around 15 plates i think, and they all just ate the rest. Totalled up to 30 plates. But jh had a bit of gastric halfway so he couldn't eat too much or he'll puke and we'll have to send him to the hospital or something... Poor guy. And sixuan ate like 5 plates of sashimi! If i eat too much sashimi i'll puke mann. So fishy. Then zr and xq and cl's table was the funniest... What ever food we cannot finish, we'll dump it to them. Zhirui eats like a pig. Keep seeing the waiter clearing their plates non stop. Then we would give them that look then xq laughed until his face turn red. Lol. Chuwen joined us later and those j1s were planning to go to zhirui's house to play majong. I was surprised at the amount of freedom they have. They'll probably watch the soccer match and stay over or something. My parents will KILL me if i do that.
Arghx i kinda regret not going back to cedar today... But its sorta a must to go for that prac 'cause we have so many things we have to brush up... Hiaz. Sorry kaiyin! Hope you had fun there.
Tsubasa cronicles rock! I just found the episode 6 being loaded into Youtube! Finally. Yepps here's the url for the 1st episode. If you like it just go type 'tsubasa cronicles' in the search box in YouTube and you can watch till episode 7! ^^
Thursday, June 08, 2006
@Thursday, June 08, 2006
My mum is screaming the lungs out of her again. Sigh. She has been doin that nowadays. I don't blame her either.Makes me worried sick. In fact, it spoils the whole family's mood. So whenever i feel like shouting and arguing in the house, i just listen to my ipod and sometimes lock myself into the room and calm down from there. You always get a false sense of security when you just close the door of your room. I like that. It makes me feel that I have all the time to myself at the moment. However, my parents take it as i'm being ignorant and all, and that all i can do is listen to the ipod all day and that i live for the ipod. Pooh. They're so wrong.We're trying to appeal a liscence for my dad. It's kinda a long story, but to make it short, about 2 weeks ago, we just received a letter from the vet association ppl and they just say that my dad has to stop doing accupuncture on animals altogether, and he can only work in the zoo. That came as a super duper big shock to us, I mean, its like chopping the fingers off a pianist. What's more, our family income is gonna like slash slash slash to more than half. Crap. I see no reason why my dad shouldn't get his liscence either, after all the things he had done for the zoo and saving so many animals' life and all those media coverage and stuff. Plus, his job is like a hobby to him, something he love to do. As i said, its like chopping the fingers off a pianist. My mum said that if my dad were working in other zoos, he would already be the director of those zoos. I agree with her too. We already compiled everything and sending it to those vet association ppl. So that means that if he doesn't get that liscence thing, i can just curse those ppl away like nothing. But i know me. I wouldn't do that. So anyway, i figured that's probably why i keep feeling so sianz nowadys. Plus there's nothing fun to do in the hols. I'm getting a little bored with maple liaoz, i'll probably switch to a new game soon. Maybe i'll even go back to neopets. Lol. Actually neopets is quite fun lar. Sometimes i wish that i live in a condo and then i can just go downstairs anytime to play bball on my own. Or at least have an open space to dribble the soccer ball by myself. Sometimes i wish that i have at least a girl neighbour whom i can relate to, 'cause right now almost all my neighbours are like boys younger than me and there's one who's older but that doesn't make a difference anyway. And i dislike shopping so i tend to turn down many of the invitations by my friends who ask me if i want to join them shopping. It depends on my mood. And i still have the class outing to worry about and nobody is replying my messages. xPFunny, as i'm writing this i'm feeling better. Lol. I should do this more often. Haha. xD I shall dribble the soccer ball in my squeezy room later. Or i shall just stone.There's choir tmr! Finally something to do! xD---Always look on the bright side of life
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
@Wednesday, June 07, 2006
I think i have mood swings now.
I feel sianz and like the whole world owes me everything at one time
And the next i feel fine and happy
But i feel restless most of the time
Is that good?
I feel like playing bball, but there's no basketball ball to begin with
I wanna play soccer, but i have no one to play with
So i just dribble around with the ball for fun
Apparently my bro is hooked to the com like nothing, and i managed to get rid of him after i threatened to uninstall maple if i dun get to play. Face it, i won't uninstall maple lar. I wanna play maple too. But only dumb dumb ppl will fall for it. Harhar. Like who ar? =P
I've realised that i like ppl who really cheer me up whenever i'm down.
And there's also some friends whom
I cheer them up!
I can really talk crap too.
Bt zziii mehhh...
I guess that's something like give and take.
This is the way it goes.
Life is full of surprises.
P.S. New blogskin! I spent like 3hrs searching in n still cannot find the one i wanted! But this is close enough...
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
@Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Its amazing how things take a quick turn and change into totally different senarios in just two days, isn't it? :-/ But i'm not saying its a good thing. Hawhaw. I'm not saying its a bad thing either.
Yesterday: There was a capella from 12pm-evening. Had to leave at 4pm for tution. I just slacked around in the morning and there was nothing much to do in a capella too, since i've already memorised my part of the score. But its always quite fun to come for choir, probably 'cause you feel a sense of belonging and also probably because you have nothing to do back at home. I think it's both. I gotta find something better to do mann, or i'll bore myself to death. xP
Ok back to the point. I realised that i never really looked forward to tution, actually i never really looked forward to tution everytime there is. But after i attended it, it always doesn't feel so bad. Yesterday's tution really cheered me up, compared to singing that day. Hehx. Played table soccer with the teacher. It's a super duper mini version, and the players' legs are not long enough to hit the ball. Lol. And the ball keeps ending up in nowhere. But anyway, other than that, and other than mr. chua keeps winning me and does his maniac laughter about it, it was quite fun. Ouh, and i'm running that standard chartered marathon thingy at the end of the year. Haha 10km only lar. But i should really start seriuos training. Mr chua asked my bro and i to join him in his run this thursday. He'll be running from bishan to raffles place. He said its "13km only lar". WTH??!!?? 13km? In one go? Crazy mann. I'll probably just come up with some lame excuse and not go... Hah. My bro also dun wanna go. So that makes two of us. Anyway, learnt about binomial that lesson and its quite enriching too.
Today: Had a capella again. Came to school at 8.30am. Lol. Got nothing to do at home anyway. I brought my math homework to do but ended up doing only 1 and 1/4 questions before i gave up on it and went to play basketball while the other group sang their song. It was a looong time since i played basketball, and i've just realised how fun it was... Haha. Then some dunman ppl went to ask us if they wanted to play so we played a match against them, but had to stop halfway 'cause trudy and zj went to tell us that it's our group's turn to practice, so i think they took over. Bleh. It was getting to the nice part where we trash them. Lol.
Nothing much to do again. Then in a capella i felt so bored and had no one to talk to 'cause everyone was occupied with their own stuff. Lol. So i went to teach deborah her part. So we went through the song over and over again until it was generally ok then we got to go home.
The thing i've realised, is that observation is the key to a lotta things. Maybe everything. But sometimes when you observe the things going around you and the people surrounding you too much, its not necessarily a good thing 'cause you leave with an uneasy feeling in your stomach. I'm correct most of the times on these things, partially because i can tell a lot of things from a person, esp when i know the person quite well. But, who knows, i may be wrong this time round. Its the gift of observation that causes trouble sometimes. Bleh, i should loosen up! Maybe i shall go back to playing maple but i can't seem to find anything good to do these days. Maybe i'll just go back to sleep. ZZzzzzzz.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
@Saturday, June 03, 2006
You Are 60% Boyish and 40% Girlish |
You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be. |
How Boyish or Girlish Are You? Crap. Which explains why i act the way i act. Is that a good thing?
Your Hidden Talent |
You're super sensitive and easily able to understand situations.You tend to solve complex problems in a flash, without needing a lot of facts.Decision making is easy for you. You have killer intuition.The right path is always clear, and you're a bit of a visionary. |
What kind of talent is that? Hmm...
You Are 16% Abnormal |
You are at medium risk for being a psychopath. It is somewhat likely that you have no soul. You are at low risk for having a borderline personality. It is unlikely that you are a chaotic mess. You are at low risk for having a narcissistic personality. It is unlikely that you are in love with your own reflection. You are at low risk for having a social phobia. It is unlikely that you feel most comfortable in your mom's basement. You are at low risk for obsessive compulsive disorder. It is unlikely that you are addicted to hand sanitizer. |
Well that's a relief...
@Saturday, June 03, 2006
Elections day today. Speeches were made, votes were cast. Same old same old. Sixuan got the sl role. Congrats mann! And congrats to the others who got into the comm!
Told you i blew it. Totally screwed up the interview thing. Bleh. But strangely, i didn't even feel a hint of sadness when i saw sixuan's name on the slide. I was too busy congradulating her. I guess in my mind i must have felt that she deserved it. Heh. Anyways, look at the bright side, there's always next year right? Maybe then i shall run again but more seriously this time when i feel that i am more prepared for it. Age is probably the main factor for the elections, you gotta have ppl gain respect for you, and i guess i'm not ready for that. xP In fact, none of the ip1s are up for that just yet. It takes time mann, one baby step at a time.
There was this choir lunch thing again... Arghx and i couldn't go again, after i found out that i've only $5 to spend in my poor wallet. I felt super tired too, so i'll probably go get some shuteye after this. Maybe next time. Even he could tell that i'm super sianz, for no reason at all. Must be all the tiredness accumulated one after another. Sucks.
Acapella practice wasn't productive enough. Looking at the amount of time we have left, i don't think we can make the best out of the whole thing. I memorised my part of the score already, but i'm not quite sure whether the others did the same. I guess i have nothing better to do after all... Maybe we should organise more practices together, but i seriously don't know how. Anyone free on wednesday or something? :-/
Chinese tution tmr! This is killing me.
Friday, June 02, 2006
@Friday, June 02, 2006
I shall miss:-
Sectionals with
Lee min and her constructive comments
Yiting and hearing her squeals
Dai Xuan's cute kinda blur
Mavis's niceness
The sexy accent when i call
Rhoda's name
Cheryl leading the choir with confidence plus her hiao-ness
Siew and her sweet serenating voice
Cherie and her scoldings and VP. But we all know that its for our own good
Charmaine's whacky dancing
Xiaohui's sexy part for smooth operator
Sophie's maniacal laughter
Weiwen's, Tiff's, Joanna's and
Linda's mysterious persopnalities 'cause i didn't get the chance to know them better... x(
Cheej being bodyguard no 2 in italy! Hah dunno whether u rmb or not... And your VP!
Pranshanth's bubbly character
Louis calling 'ah ma!' xD and the girly scream he gives everytime trudy pokes him
Andrew's cool voice and rich-guy lookalike
Hao Guang and the times we saw him with linus... Haha.
Vivek and his dao-ness
Super friendly
Roy's OH YEAH, his broken english and innocent looks
Bodyguard no. 1
Beng Hui at italy and him imitaing my goofy laughter.
De Wei's conducting, his funny face everytime we make a mistake and the funny way his hair bounce when he walks.
Hmm why am i being so sentimental all of a sudden?
I guess i just can't bear to see them go... xP
@Friday, June 02, 2006
As i said, presentating the good ol' times (":

Mum, bro & I

My group!

Altos almighty!

Blur bassos... Haha jk.

Hotel room

And another...

1st group photo

What kind of drink is that?

My group ++ bodyguards (:

Awww the adorable italian boys

Haha louis looking stupid b4 the prize presentation

XQ pole dancing!

We decided to join in too!

An italian alto + her sis!

That guy with a funky hairstyle B)

The plane back to Singapore...
Thursday, June 01, 2006
@Thursday, June 01, 2006
I blew it.I had one chance to prove myself, and i blew it.
SAD x(
Well, life is full of surprises, so you'll never know.
I must learn to move on.
Like i always did.
That's what i like about me. (:
Time flies and it comes to the day where its up to us to keep the njchoir spirit flying high. The J2s are gone, and it pains my heart to see them go. Really! The best times in nj are all with the choir, and that was because you all made it possible. Thanks a bunch for that! (:
I was so touched by your speeches that it nearly made me cry, especially andrew's one. And i haven't cried for a long, long time. Life's like that, no one is indispensible. Even if you are, we somehow just have to do without it. It has been a long and tiring 5 months of choir, but it was the best times spent in my life. Somehow, long months seem to pass just in a blink of the eye, and even though we miss those good ol' days, its time to step back to reality. Our journey has just begun for us year1s and ips, and we will surely make the best out of it. We WILL clinch the gold with honours for SYF next year, but even if we don't, the njchoir attitude and spirit will never wear off, and we'll always be one big, happy dysfunctional family! xD